Thursday, 12 October 2017

New chapter

In the Grain of Sand is on its way to Bondi, traveling across the Nullarbor on Johannes Pannekoek’s trailer, the journey I am yet to make. It is certainly in the good hands and in the good company. This time I’m staying behind, feeling a bit like a mother of the child on the first school trip. (enough said).

The excitement of the Open Studios Kalamunda is over for another year, and I’m enjoying the clean and tidy (once a year look!) space. The studio is basking in the positive energy of Sunday’s visitors, and I’m reluctant to disturb the glow. Like starting a new visual diary – blank, white, clean page to be savoured for a while, and then filled with…well, whatever happens….

I am ready for the new project, and so the journey begins….

I am working on the Seed:
largely inspired by microscopic images of pollens and seeds, and configurations of bubbles. It continues the exploration of the infinitely small, microscopic and seemingly insignificant, and at the same time explores the symbolism of the seed as the nucleus, the essence of being, the creative starting point and the potential for renewal..

The configuration of bubbles.....
It all started with the notion of the membrane separating the inner and outer space. Living in the bubble, blowing bubbles, bursting bubbles....there are plenty of metaphors to play with.
And then I came upon the exploratorium  web site and found this:

If you take two sheets of clear glass or plastic separated by about one-half inch, soak them in soapy solution and then blow bubbles between the sheets, you will get many bubble walls. If you look closely, you will notice that all of the vertices where three bubble walls meet (and there are always three,) form 120 degree angles. If your bubbles are of uniform size, you will notice that the cells form hexagons and start to look much like the cells of a beehive. Bees, like bubbles, try to be as efficient as possible when making the comb. They want to use the minimum possible amount of wax to get the job done. Hexagonal cells are the ticket.

And so the journey begins.....

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