Oh, I have spent hours and days working on
“it”, avoiding “it”, looking at “it”, making models of “it”….but to tell the
truth, I feel that I am waay out of my comfort zone. Maybe writing about “it”
will help….
There are couple of big –
and quite obvious - changes here in comparison to the previous sculptures: the
addition of acrylic panels and LED lights. Unfortunately, the way that I have
designed and made the metal frame is very suitable for my ceramics, but not necessarily
for acrylics and LED’s. The problem is that I haven’t fully considered attachments
of those elements at the planning stage, so now I have to, kind of, retro-fit
Those hexagonal gaps in the frame ....
.... get filled with ceramic elements:
But those are also spaces where I'm planing to have LED lights, and at the moment, nothing to attach them to.
And there is nothing to support the acrylic on top:
On this photo I have a cardboard template that is light and only needs couple of bull clips to hold it,but it is not necessarily accurate, so I have decided to make a new one out of 6mm MDF ( much cheaper to play with than the acrylic, and it will be handy when ordering a real thing). It is also much heavier than cardboard.
The first problem is: How to find the right height point in the middle of the frame to create a support for the acrylic without distorting the frame, keeping in mind that the actual frame is not necessarily as symmetrical and accurate as the drawing.
After a lot of trial and errors, I have found the perfect tool to help me - a tripod. Why didn't I think of it hours ago?
we have progress....
Good thinking...and isn't innovation just like that?