Sunday, 24 March 2024


There is still lots to do. As the pieces are drying and queuing up for the firing, I need to figure out the installation process. I want them to look like they are growing, so I don't want to put them on the plinth or a platform.

I need to fill each piece with aerated concrete, with provisions for the metal rods in place. Making sure that the rods are perpendicular to the ceramic. 

I don't want the rods imbedded directly into the concrete as I'd like pieces to be able to stand up on the ground - which is way more practical for transport and storage, so I'm using clear tubing around the rods. Tubing will stay in concrete, and rods will be pulled out and carefully labeled so I know where they belong.

I will also need to make another template of the whole piece, with holes for the rods marked.

And here we are, on the site at Cottesloe:


And finally removing the last template:

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